Making Progress


My yoga practice is funny.

It's NOT always easy (sometimes it is but mostly not).

It's NOT always consistent.

It's NOT always fun.

It is hard work. It requires dedication, attention, and compassion. But is it worth it? What have I really gained from this? What have I learned? One thing I shared with a friend this week is that it is EASY to be dedicated to the practice when you're feeling great and making progress and seeing changes (mentally, physically, spiritually, etc). BUT what I have learned most from this practice is not during the times of "progress". This practice has taught me the most during the moments on my mat when I have to face myself, accept myself, love myself, show compassion to myself, even on the days when I am feeling tired, weak, stiff, distracted, or feeling like I am backtracking some how. Having to face myself on those days and still be okay, for me THAT is progress in my yoga practice.